• 聯絡我們


    For purchasing, product issues, etc., please fill in the following information or join the official LINE and a dedicated person will contact you.




    Due to regulations, alcohol products require identification of identity and age before purchase, and direct online ordering is not yet available. If you are interested, please leave a message and provide your name, contact number, and quantity you want to purchase, and someone will contact you. Thank you.

    wish list👉https://forms.gle/FqzYWehxyp8LHtFw8

    *Please note that after filling out the interest form, please join the official LINE and provide your name and phone number for enquiry. We will have a dedicated person contact you. Thank you.


    Physical store pickup:1F., No. 25, Ln. 431, Songjiang Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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